Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More decimal and percent work

For the next lesson in Numeracy, I wanted to keep building students' ideas about what percents and decimals are, and how they relate to fractions. I've mentioned before that I am teaching the students to use bar modeling to solve word problems, but I haven't been posting the problems, and some examples would probably be nice. This week, I've started incorporating percents into the problems, which is, of course, throwing the students for a loop. But, they will get it eventually (and some already have), and I think that continually reinforcing the visual connection between percents and fractions is important. So here are the three problems I'm using this week:

Lesson 1
Diego and Dora both took a test in Algebra 1. Diego got 70% of the questions correct, which was 42 points. Dora did very well, and even got the bonus problem right, so she got a 105% on the test. How many points did Dora score on the test?

Lesson 2
By the end of tutorial, Mariana completed 45% of her homework. She spent 54 minutes working (the rest of the time, she was giggling with Gricelda). If she works at the same speed at home, how much longer will it take her to finish all of her homework?

Lesson 3
At the school dance, 70% of the students were girls, and the rest were boys. Ms. Vasquez wondered why there were so few boys there – she counted only 36 boys. How many students were at the dance in total?

We only do one problem like this per lesson (3 lessons per week - block schedule), because it really takes 15 - 20 minutes for the whole process (more when the students are unfocused) to play out. What's nice about these problems and this method is that it naturally connects percents to the work students have been doing for months drawing whole number bars (first) and then fraction bars. Right now, lots of students are still struggling, but I think it's more due to the proximity of vacation affecting their ability to care about math than a conceptual problem. We'll pick up with this after break as we review for finals, and I think it'll go better.

For this lesson, after finishing the problem solving portion, we did another class activity. I gave each group a set of 10 post-it notes with various decimals and percents, all between a pair of consecutive whole numbers. They had to stick their post-it notes to the board (where I had blue-taped up a long number line) drawing arrows with marker to indicate more precisely where the number should go. This only took about 5 minutes or so, and then I had everyone sit back down so we could evaluate how we did. I told them that they would earn 2 team points (whoopie!) for each number in the right place, and 1 bonus point (what can I say? Freshmen love their points!) if they could find a mistake in another team's positioning. We went through team by team, and I asked the class to point out any mistakes. The mistakes that were pointed out lead to additional discussions and modeling, until students seemed satisfied that everything was in the right place.

After doing this with my first period, I wasn't sure if the activity had been all that useful. I asked students if they found it useful (many did) and to share something that they had learned. This lead to some good questions and observations - the key one being that 2.45 is less than 2.5 (I still had the papers on the board from the previous lesson to refer back to) because of the value of each number; similarly, several realized that 2.45 is not more than 2.5 even though it has more numbers in it. Other students said that it helped them see better how a percent and a decimal could both be plotted together on the same line (yes!). So this made me feel better about the whole thing, and I didn't modify the lesson for the other periods.

Now that we've used manipulatives and done a couple of class activities, in tomorrow's lesson, students will be doing a worksheet I put together to get some solid independent practice time. They will start by drawing paper pieces (as in the last lesson) to represent a variety of decimals, fractions, and percents. Then, given a number in one form, they will have to write it in the other two forms. Finally, they have a bunch of problems where they must compare a pair of numbers - written in any form - to see which is larger.


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I agree that students need to develop fluency in the area of decimals and fractions. Reinforcing the relationships visually is super important. Many math instructors do not do this. I am a bit sad that you feel the need to be doing it in high school.

  2. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Yesterday my Algebra 1 class was working on box plots. There was a lot of confusion on how to draw the number line (this was using whole numbers, but not beginning at 0). I hadn't planned on drawing a number line being the challenge of the lesson--especially because we'd done dot plots with the same data last week.

    Anyway, I thought of you and your reminders of how students struggle with number lines. I'm flipping through, trying to see if you have any lessons appropriate for their level posted. Again, thanks for sharing (even when the posts start to feel boring to write).
