Why I Love the Math Journaling Adventures Series
3 hours ago
The purpose of this blog is to help generate and share ideas for teaching high school math concepts to students whose skills are below grade level.
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litna? or lutna?
I'm not familiar with "The Temple of My Familia" either, but love the puzzles, thanks again for sharing. I'm thinking about spending my summer revamping my algebra 2 to be a bit more puzzle-oriented.
I'm looking into Perplex City for some inspiration.. but thanks for putting your stuff out here as well.
"Luna" - it's easier when you know the teachers' names :) I haven't read the book either, but it's her favorite. I asked the teacher for each puzzle to come up with a "thing" that the students would have to do or figure out, and this was hers.
I'd like to see whatever you end up creating over the summer - let me know if you're interested in collaborating at all. I'm continually revamping my classes.
A great site that has all the old Perplex City cards (so you can look at the puzzles without buying tons of cards) can be found here.
I just finished up for the year on friday, so I'll be taking a short break from thinking about classes (thta call that a vacation.. right?), but I start teaching a summer college class in june, so I'll begin looking at puzzling my classes soon enough.
What do you do with your blog over the summer?
Yeah, it's good to take a break from thinking about teaching every once and a while :).. I don't know what I'll do with my blog over the summer (this will be the first summer since I started writing it), but probably I'll just let it sit. I'll be away for most of July, but I'll be back in August when staff development starts, and that's when I do most of my planning and revamping for the new year.
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